Wednesday, September 22, 2010

the World-Tree in Autumn

A friend directed me to this image, created by Anselm Kiefer and displayed in the NY Times, of autumn in Auvergne. Kiefer has captured an earthly version of "Yggdrasil," the Norse world-tree (immortalized in the Edda), looking both barren and lively. I'm struck by how much detail we can see in the branches... they are gorgeous in gray tones.  

Check out the original publication:

anglo-saxon poetry for the digital age

Here's my digital story (mind you, I did this about 3 years ago for Allen Webb's "Teaching with Technology" class, so it could use some updating!) The poem I'm reciting is the Old English elegy "The Wanderer," translated into modern English by my OE translation class from many moons ago. Images are a mix of my own photos and some grabbed from the Web.

Enjoy the bleak outlook on life!